CELT-P overview:
CELT-P @Britanica:
CELT-S (Certificate in English Language Teaching – Secondary) is a practical English teaching qualification that offers teachers the necessary knowledge and skills to work with secondary school learners (11-18 years old). Through a combination of individual online study and observed teaching practice (blended learning), topped up with regular face-to-face tutor-led sessions, CELT-S is the best choice for both experienced teachers who want to boost their classroom performance and young teachers who are just building a strong foundation to their career.
Designed and developed by Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge, CELT-S is held in high regard by employers worldwide. CELT-S is meant to help teachers of English deal with day-to-day challenges, such as managing differences in the classroom, selecting and adapting course book materials, and teaching language skills to teenagers according to their learning needs, styles and motivations. It also enables teachers to extend the range of approaches in the classroom, to respond better to their learners’ needs and to make the best use of available resources.
At the end of the course, teachers gain two Cambridge English certificates: CELT-S and TKT: Module 1.
1. The Theoretical Component
represented by ELT methodology
Eight online modules |
Face-to-face seminars |
2. The Practical Component
represented by teaching practice
A practical written task for each online module |
Teaching observations |
What do the eight modules contain?
1. Classroom management in the secondary classroom |
2. Language learning and the teenage learner |
3. Teaching language skills |
4. Language awareness for teaching |
5. Teaching language in the secondary classroom |
6. Planning language learning in the secondary context |
7. Language learning resources and materials for the secondary classroom |
8. Assessing language learning in the secondary context |
How will the participants enrolled in a Celt-S course be assessed?
Theoretical assessment:
- Completion of the 8 online modules (approximately one module/month) and progress tests
- The Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT): Module 1, which is an integral part of the course. This multiple-choice examination tests candidates’ knowledge of terms and concepts common in English language teaching. It also focuses on the factors underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the range and functions of the choices teachers have at their disposal to cater for these learning factors.
Assessment of Teaching Practice:
- Completion of Portfolio Tasks after each module. The aim of each Portfolio Task is to give participants the opportunity to apply what they have learned online to their own classroom practice. The Portfolio Tasks are marked by the Course Trainer as Complete or Incomplete and they may be resubmitted once.
- Three hours of lesson observation and feedback carried out by the course trainer. The first two lesson observations are not graded and have a formative purpose.
The third observation is graded Fail, Pass or Merit and the grade contributes to the final Celt-S qualification.
Participants who complete all the modules and assessments will receive the CELT-S qualification. The qualification is awarded at Pass or Pass with Merit.
Participants for CELT-S should:
- have a B1 level of English or above on the CEFR*. This will be confirmed by a Cambridge English certificate, a bachelor’s or master’s degree in English or by an internal placement test
- be currently teaching classes of secondary learners (ages 11–18), in state or private education
- be aware of the technical requirements, the skills needed for the online component of the course and the time commitment needed for the course.
*Common European Framework of Reference
Course Start date: 15th November 2021* *13th November – induction day End date: 30th September 2022 (July and August – summer break) Deadline for submitting application: 25th October, 2021 |
PRICE, including the TKT-Module1 test – 3700 LEI
! Early bird: 10% off – 3300 LEI – if you enroll until 15th October! |
To enroll in a Celt-S course, please follow these steps:
- Complete the enrollment form below
- You will be contacted by the course coordinator to set up an interview
- Once you receive our message of approval, secure your place by making the payment for the first installment of the course
For further details and support, please get in touch with us at 0745 63 73 07 or drop us a line at training@britanica.ro.