Va rugam sa acordati o nota de la 1 la 5, unde 1 este nota minima si 5 este nota maxima, urmatoarelor aspecte:
/ Please grade the following aspects from 1 to 5, where 1 is the minimum grade and 5 is the maximum grade:

Interactiunea cu trainerul/ Interaction with the trainer

Deschidere si disponibilitate de a ajuta / Openness and willingness to help

Punctualitate/ Punctuality

Profesionalism/ Professionalism

Metoda de predare / Teaching method

Claritate/ Clarity

Structură/ Structure

Utilitate/ Utility

Materiale folosite / Teaching materials used

Relevante nivelului de studiu / Relevant for the level of study

Utile/ Useful

Interesante/ Interesting

Ne ajuta sa completati si:
/ It would also help to have the information requested below: